CMS - Soil Conditioner Granules

What is CMS (Soil Conditioner Granules)

We are a trusted name as Manufacturer and Supplier of CMS Micronutrient Soil Conditioner Granules. Our CMS Micronutrient Granules are made from the finest quality Calcium sulphate (Gypsum). They are 100% natural and in purest form. They contain Calcium Magnesium sulphur and help in soil conditioning. They are very economical Conditioner Granules for soil application. They increase the quality and yield of crop along with improving soil health.

Benefits of using CMS.

The product contains balanced ratio of Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur.

  • Calcium: It helps in growth of plant, Roots and leaves. It reduces plant stress and gives protection from desiese & pests. It also streghten roots, Plant growth and increases production.
  • Magnesium: It completely wipes out causes of yellowness of crop leaves, It maintain leaves green and increase the quality and yield of crops. It is very useful for oily crops.
  • Sulphur: The sulphur is in sulphate form, it helps plant for easy uptake of phosphorus from soil. Sulfur is essential for the production of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins found in all living things.

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